Say No to Antibiotic !
With proper care and infection control, we had not ROUTINELY prescribed preop antibiotic for 10 years.

REMINDER : The following recommendations only apply to our patients.
What To Do - First 24 Hours
We provide the first-24-Hours All-Round Backup after your procedure. Please follow our instruction to get the best result. Call the 24 Hours Number for any concern.
Getting into Cars
• Be careful when you get into a car!
• Your head should not hit the door rim or
the roof - transplanted grafts can be dislodged
• For the same reason beware of the
cupboard door
• With
there is no need to sleep on sofa or chair
• Just sleep normally in bed
• It is normal to feel tight where the
strip was removed
• If any discomfort lying on pillow, just
roll a towel under your neck or use a neck pillow
• Take some pain-killer before sleep also
• Sleeping pills are also provided to be
taken if needed
Pain Control
• Discomfort after FUT and FUE
hair transplant
is usually tolerable
• Everyone has a different pain threshold.
Many patients do not take any pain-killer at all
• We provide simple pain-killers, to be
taken as required
• Stronger pain-killer is avaulable on
• Tightness around the donor wound will
settle after sutures removal
Our Head Band
• The scalp is closed to bone with just a
layer of skin
• To prevent damage we inject specially
prepared "tumescence" fluid to lift scalp from bone
• 3 days after surgery this fluid may drain
down to the forehead and around the eyes
• Once happens, takes at least a week to
• Our specially-designed headband has
effectively reduced postoperative eye swelling
• We are adopting a water-proof hair
transplant technique
• You are able to wash your transplanted
area everyday to keep it clean
• The next day after hair transplant, we
will demonstrate how to do it yourself at home.
Low Level Laser Therapy LLLT
• 2 sessions of low level laser therapy
using the Sunetics laser Hood is included in your package
• Evidences showed LLLT after procedure to
promote wound healing and reduce shock loss
• The first session would be provided the
next day after the hairwash.
What To Do - First Week
• Do not over eat the night after
• It is normal to feel a bit nausea
• Can eat anything but not too salty for 3
days to reduce swelling of the forehead
Return to Wook
• Outdoor activities can be resumed almost
the next day
• Most people can return to work after 2 to
3 days
Removal of Sutures ( FUT )
• Sutures may create discomfort at back of
your head, but these are important to minimize donor scar
• We use 2 types of suture, one to be
removed on Day 5-7, by us or your local doctor
• The other dissolves after 4 weeks
Wash Your Hair Properly
Improper Hairwash Affects Result
We strive to get the best possible result for you, taking care of every single step. A transplanted hair needs 7 days to re-establish blood supply. It is very fragile in this 7 days, easily damaged. Improper hair wash will have an adverse effect on the graft survival and final outcome.
Good Hair Wash Is Important in our Aftercare
During his training, our doctor spent a few weeks just
learning how to wash hair. All our staff are trained by Dr
Ng how to wash hair for the patients.
Our office has 2 shampoo rooms and 2 hair stylists. The next
day after hair transplant, we will demonstrate how to do it
yourself at home.
Scabs are the tiny bit of skin tissue carried by the
transplanted hair. The scabs first appear as red dots over
the scalp right after the procedure. Over the next few days
the scabs will dry up as brown crust over the recipient
Proper and regular will easily remove scabs. We will teach
you how to do it. If left alone, the scalp may look
unsifghtly and also become itchy
Recommended Shampoo
Using improper shampoo may damage the newly transplanted grafts. Our staff would recommend which Shampoo is safe to use straight after your procedure.
How To Prevent Infection
Say No to Antibiotic
• The most dangerous part of any surgical
procedure is drug allergy
• Adverse reaction to antibiotic such as
Penicillin can be fatal
• We have not been using antibiotc as
routine for the last 7 years
• Proud to achieve an less than 1% infecton
What You Should Do Before Surgery
• If you have diabetes, first consult your
family doctor to well control the blood sugar level
• Quit or cut down on smoking
• Wash your hair with our antiseptic
shampoo the night before procedure
What You Should Do First 2 Weeks
• Avoid strenous exercise
• Avoid wearing a hair piece or tight
• Wash hair at least once a day
• Finish all the antibiotics as
• Avoid eating spicy food
• Contact us if the wound is moist with
What You Should NOT Do First 2 Weeks
• Strenous exercise and excessive
• Wear a hair piece continuously for over
10 hours per day
• Not washing your hair
• Eating very spicy food
• Frequent touching of the recipient areas
Our Free 1 Year Follow-Up

For Oversea Clients
Don't worry if you are overseas and cannot attend our
scheduled follow-up. We have developed a safety protocol and
online backup program. A local dermatologist has agreed to
look after our patients in Macau.
For Locals
Hair transplant is a surgical procedure. Most complications, if diagnosed early, can easily be fixed. Wound care by our professional staff is provided for free the 12 months after
Recommended Schedule
• Next day after procedure
• 5- 7 days after for wound check +/-
removal of sutures
• 1 month after, checking for shock loss
and folliculitis
• 4 month after, checking for new hair as
well as healing of donor wound
About The Follow-Up
• With our FUT and FUE techniques we do not
anticipate any major problems or complications
• The most difficult time is the first 4
months after procedure, when you see nothing
• You can voice out any concern. Our staff
will answer questions you have in mind
• We will pluck away the old hair shafts to
make way for the new ones
• Also our staff will assess the progress
of your hair loss in non-transplanted areas
Prevent hair loss after hair transplant
Objective - Optimize Result
We used to believe that when you have hair transplant, you
don't need to take medicine; when you take medicine, you
don't need hair transplant. Not anymore! Surgery and medical
therapy is no longer mutually exclusive. Adjuvant Therapy is
the current trend when surgeons transplant the recipient
site, and use FDA-approved medication to improve and
maintain the non-transplanted areas.
The use of medication after a hair transplant procedure,
whether as topical preparations or as oral drugs, is called
Adjuvant Therapy. It can be used as short or long term.
Short Term Adjuvant Therapy

Rational of Use
From our 10 years of experience, growth of the transplanted hair can be stimulated by a hair-growth-promoting agents such as Copper Peptide, and low level laser energy
Tricomin Follicle Spray
We have imported the Tricomin Follicle Spray from USA which contains Copper Nutritional Complex for use after hair transplant.
• Encourages healthy growth of the
transplanted hair follicles
• Protects transplanted grafts against
environmental factors that may cause hair to fall-out more
• May help to treat the underlying cause of
hair loss
• Triamino Copper Nutritional Complex
powers-up the natural defense process to protect hair from
environmental damage
• Panthenol repairs and nourishes damaged
• Amino acids and minerals build body in
the hair to produce a fuller appearance
Who Should Consider using Tricomin Follicle Spray ?
• We recommend all patients to use for at
least 4 months after the procedure
• Women would find it usefuk to prevent
"Shock Loss" - temporary shedding of transplanted as well as
existing hair
• Most use it up to 12 months and
experience an early growth of transplanted hair
Low Level Laser Therapy LLLT
• 2 sessions of low level laser therapy
using the Sunetics laser Hood is included in your package
• The first session would be provided the
next day after the hairwash
• Evidences support the use of LLLT after
the procedure to promote wound healing and reduce shock loss
( READ MORE )...
Continuous Medical Therapy

Rational of Use
Hair loss due to AGA progresses if left untreated. Further loss of existing hair degrade surgical results over time, so the preservation of hair with adjunctive therapy can play a role in sustaining the cosmetic benefits of surgery.
Topical Minoxidil
Although occipital donor hair does not respond to oral 5α-reductase blockers,their growth can be stimulated by a hair-growth-promoting agents such as minoxidil.
Benefits of Minoxidil
• Convert resting follicles into active
follicles and promote new hair growth
• Growth of existing hair contributes to
good results after just 1 or 2 transplant sessions
• Slowing down miniaturization of existing
hair helps to maintain satisfactory coverage
• Avoid the need for further sessions to
add on density.
Who Should Consider using Minoxidil
• Those receiving transplants in the whorl
area (vertex)
• Patients with existing fine hair in the
recipient area
• Younger males and women with diffuse
thinning to prevent further loss of existing hair
• Those with strong family history of
advance hair loss
• Those planning hairline transplant but
already have thinning crown
• Those with very limited donor hair
What and How to Use Minoxidil
• Use 5% Minoxidil topical lotion or
• Apply to donor and recipient sites once
Oral 5α-reductase blockers
• Men should consider using both topical 5%
Minoxidil lotion and oral 5α-reductase blockers
• This is a prescription medication so
please consult your physician before use