Avoid Crash Diets
A study by Goette and Odom in 1976 on nine adults on "crash diets" - all experienced profuse hair loss 2-5 months after starting a vigorous weight reduction program. A higher percentage (20-50%) of hair entered the resting telogen phase compared to the normal (10%).
Avoid Smoking
Smoking has a profound effect on hair loss. Nicotine and other chemicals in smoked tobacco changes the regeneration of hair growth in the scalp and increases the level of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) in the hair follicles. A clinical study by the Harvard School of Public Health showed that DHT levels in smokers were 13% higher than in non smokers. Excessive DHT increase the amount and rate of hair loss.
Balanced Diet
Malnutrition causes diffuse hair loss. Proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals are essential for normal hair growth. After years of researches Dr Inaba (1996) suggested that high intake of animal fat may activate the scalp sebaceous glands to produce more DHT and accelerate androgenetic alopeica. He found an increased tendency toward baldness in the postwar generation of Japanese men who have adopted a Western-style diet overly rich in animal fats. A diet low in saturated animal fat is strongly recommended.
Supplement is not usually required when a balanced diet is taken. When needed, the supplement must be taken by mouth and not by topical application.
Vitamin B complex provides most of the needed ones. Beware of high dose of vitamin A which can itself cause hair loss.
Iron is recommended for females with menstrual flows or vegetarians. The supplement should contains 2 other important minerals: zinc and copper.
Choice of Shampoo
It does not really matter as most have no effect on hair growth or structure. Try several bland to find the ones you like. This is a rather personal choice. Remember all you need is a mild detergent that removed dirt and grease. Expensive shampoo serves no additional purpose as all the ingredients (and your money) wash down the drain rather than staying on your scalp. More important is proper rinsing afterward to avoid accumulation of chemical residuals on the skin. For the same reason you should change your shampoo from time to time.
The only shampoo reported to have effect on Androgenetic Alopecia was Ketoconazole 2% shampoo. It may be worth a trial when desperate to do something about hair loss.
Use of Hair Conditioners
Cuticle, he outer layer of Hair shaft, is composed of overlapping dead keratin in the appearance of scales. When hair is in good conditions, the keratin adhered tightly to the shafts making it shiny and smooth. Once hair weathers or damaged by improper hair treatment, it begins to look dull and cracked on the edges. Hair conditioners work mainly by forming a "coating" on the cuticle to increase the strength and return the shiny appearance. However some contain strong detergents which. when permeating downward through the skin, may harm the dermal papilla. Also excessive use of hair conditioners increases sebum on the scalp surface and blocks the sebaceous duct opening.
Consequently conditioners should be applied to the hair shaft only, not the scalp. They should be properly rinsed off after application. The use of combined shampoo-conditioner formulation is not sensible.
Frequency of Hair Wash
There is no absolute standard because it depends on the condition of the hair and the scalp, whether the hair is soft or hard, and whether the dandruff is oily or dry.
Those on Minoxidil may choose to shampoo at least once a day to avoid irritation from the residual.
Care of Dandruff
According to Kligman (1981) daily shampooing had no effect on dandruff, merely making it non visible. We now know that excessive dandruff is a yeast infection. The causative agent is "Malassezia furfur", a normal inhabitant on the skin. Ketoconazole shampoo three times a week for a month has proven to be most effective. The shampoo must be in direct contact with the scalp for 5-10 minutes to eradicate the yeast. Relapse is common and re treatment is often necessary. This antifungal shampoo is available OTC without doctor's prescription.
Hair Brushing
Brushing can cause the sebum at skin pores to slide upwards along the hair. It serves 2 purposes
• Decrease oil on scalp surface can prevent sebaceous opening clogging and gland enlargement
• Lubricates the hair shaft for a more shiny look
• Nylon brushes generate static electricity which causes hair to twist and coil leading to hair loss
• Brushes made of stiff pig or boar bristles are recommended
Hair Styling
Constant tight pulling of the hair by braiding or "pig-tail" causes hair loss. Damage to the follicles may be permanent. This Traction Alopecia is especially common in African female. Beware when your hairline starts to recede.
Stress is NOT a cause of Androgenetic Alopecia, but it can precipitate another form of hair loss, the Telogen Effluvium. So be relaxed.
Message from the Doctor
Welcome to “Doctor's Talk,” where I’ll talk about everything related to hair loss and hair transplants. This series is here to help you understand more about how hair treatments work and what you can expect from them. The information provided is based on my 18 years of experience in dealing with hair loss.
Disclaimer -
Please note that this series is purely educational. Reading these posts does not guarantee my services, nor are they intended for business promotion. Information provided is not guaranteed to be up-to-date and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice.
Any opinions discussed may not be universally accepted or applicable to all individuals. Always consult a healthcare professional before making any decisions related to your health.