We might possibly be the Only Centre in Hong Kong that Offers COMBO GIGASESSION

Advantages of COMBO
Ultimate Solution for Large Area Coverage
In the majority of cases, we performs either FUT (strip) or FUE in isolation. However, there are a few clinical indications for combining FUT and FUE during the same procedure. When the donor grafts are somehow limited, we have to combine both types of donor harvesting in order to obtain the required number of grafts. In that case we can make use of the advantage of strip to yield the highest number, and then selectively cherry-pick those robust grafts from the remaining of the donor area.
Reduce FUT Scar
By using FUE to extract some of the grafts, the width of the Strip can be reduced and thus the donor scar.
Ideal candidate
• Men and women who have a stable hair-loss pattern and desire hair transplant
• Have significantly diminished donor-hair availability due to previous hair transplants or sparse donor
• Not mind to keep hair long at donor area after transplant
The Procedure
• Hair should be kept as long as convenient to cover the to-be-harvested donor areas
• We shave a block for FUE harvesting just below the planned Strip
• Usually we will first remove the Strip so that our staff can start graft preparation
• After closing the FUT wound we will start FUE below
• On average an extra 100 - 400 good quality grafts can be harvested