hair loss pattern female
Male Pattern - Receding Hairline
female pattern of hair loss
Female Pattern - Thinning Top

female hair loss - 3 major patterns

Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL) is a form of androgenetic alopecia with a multi-factorial, genetically determined trait. Both androgen-dependent and androgen-independent mechanisms plus a biologically normal aging process is involved. Female and male members of the family may both be affected.

Majority has normal type II 5-α reductase levels and normal DHT level in scalp skin. Elevated androgen level were
seen in 16% of women with hair loss alone, and 79% if associated with hirsutism or menstrual disturbance. Though not as common, men can have Female Pattern Hair Loss when thinning extends from the centerline sideway.

3 major patterns in female Pattern Hair Loss

Type 1. M-Shaped or high forehead - Norwood's Classification
Type 2. Thinning at the centerline, extending sidway - Ludqig's or Centrifugal Classification
Type 3. Christmas Tree Pattern - Olsen's Classification

Type 1 : Norwood's Classification

•   Born with a high forehead or M-shaped hairline
•   Thinning of the hairline and the crown similar to men with aging
•   Classification is by the Norwood System similar to men

  female pattern hair loss

Type 2: Ludwig's Classification

•   Central and possibly lateral thinning with sparing of the hairline
•   Classification is by the Ludwig System

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Type 3: Olsen's Classification

•   Accentuation of frontal Loss breaching the frontal hairline
•   The loss is widest in front tapering towards the crown
•   Classification is by the Olsen's System